Part 29: Friends in High Places
Part 29 - Friends in High Places

Well, if this is to be the end of the road, at least we have a decent shot at going surrounded by some pretty decorations. That's better than what most people can hope for around these parts.

Just, too bad about the company.

[His eyes say, "I'd love to kill you now" but his mouth continues to smirk.]

We really need to talk our way out of this somehow, there's no way in hell we can let this guy get the satisfaction. Not in a million years.

Wouldn't be an ultra-rich guy's mansion without a dapper-looking butler to go with it.

Quoth in the streets, the Raven in the sheets am I right buddy

Great, maybe we can find a secret passage which leads to the outside or something. All millionaire's mansions have at least one or two, right?

Man, but this place really is big. Feels like you'd get your daily exercise in by just walking to the bathroom and back.
Somebody else is here too from the looks of it.

Now wait a moment. I'd recognize that smug mug anywhere!

Yep, that's Aljernon alright. As clear and forthcoming as ever.

There's nothing else to look at and we have no luck finding any secret passages either, so walking directly into the lion's den looks to be our only available option.

Now what kind of a monster has two statues set perfectly symmetrically on both sides of their desk, only to have one of them face a different direction from the other?!

This guy's who. James Telestrian III, CEO of Telestrian Industries and owner of the tallest damn collar in the city of Seattle. Probably employs a private hit squad for the specific purpose of making sure it stays that way.

Haha, we got Silverstar fired. We might end up dead or imprisoned because of it but at least something good came out of that mess of a run. We did James here a favor, honestly.

Oof, tough crowd.
There was also a Corporate etiquette choice here where we could've offered to work off our debt to him.

We could lie to him and say we're just an ordinary thief, but I get the feeling that trying to deceive this guy would be an exercise in futility and not entirely unlikely to get us killed. Besides, if he had Aegis created to kill the bug spirits and we tried to steal it in order to do the exact same thing, lying about our motivation seems like it'd only serve to make things worse for us whether he believed us or not.
So you know what, screw it, if he wants to know the truth then let's just lay it all on the table and see where it goes. Not like we have much to lose at this point.

Did we mention the part about getting paid?
As a sidenote, one of the available dialogue choices if you try to lie seems to have an incorrect flag assigned to it, and picking it immediately skips this entire scene and moves on to the next one with no explanation.

Well well, things might be looking up for us after all.

[Telestrian cuts in quickly.]

Apparently there's a bit of a discrepancy in the canon here, and other Shadowrun sources have Marie-Louise as James' younger sister rather than his daughter.

And that sure worked out great for everyone involved. Hell, I'm half-convinced we would've been better off contacting Telestrian ourselves instead of getting tangled up in the Baron's questionable schemes.

In any case, it's looking like we might've finally gotten our lucky break. Having this guy and his buddies on our side sure as hell beats having them against us, we have enough problems as it is without being actively hunted by another major corporation.

Fade to black!

It may not look like it at first glance, but this small library we're standing in just might be the most dangerous room in the world right now.

Lofwyr is, as mentioned, a golden Great Dragon and both the CEO and sole shareholder of the largest corporation in the world, Saeder-Krupp. Saeder-Krupp (which was originally BMW until Lofwyr somewhat dramatically took over and restructured it) is based in Germany and is involved in a huge variety of fields, either directly or through their many subsidiaries, ranging from heavy industry to telecommunications to banking and much more besides. They're the biggest and baddest fish in the corporate pond and their power and influence are practically unparalleled.

Of course this also makes Lofwyr, who has absolute control over S-K, the single richest and one of the most powerful beings on the planet. Lofwyr's best known for his calculating nature and the fact that he's rumoured to personally eat people who fail him. It's precisely because of him and his ability to always come out on top in the end regardless of the situation that "Never, ever cut a deal with a dragon" became a core rule of shadowrunners worldwide. Lofwyr can't really be considered an out-and-out villain though, and being in his employ can be quite lucrative provided you don't screw up, but he's definitely just about the last guy whose personal shitlist you want to find your name on.

Mr. Brackhaus' intimidating presence is somewhat undermined by the fact that the writers felt the need to include his German accent in his dialogue.
Actually, since it's not really relevant to the main plot and tiptoeing around it is a little annoying for everyone involved I'm just going to tell you right now that Brackhaus here is, in fact, Lofwyr himself. It's not really a secret and you're pretty much told as much if you ask about it later on anyway, but I think the dialogue here is more interesting if you're aware of the fact from the start. Him being here personally is a good indication that we're dealing with some Serious Shit with these bugs.

And speaking of powerful beings... where to even start with this guy. To put it very briefly, Harlequin is an eccentric and immortal elven mage born back in the Fourth World some five thousand years ago. Especially at the time this game takes place (2nd edition Shadowrun) he's more akin to a living plot device than a character to the point that he officially didn't have character stats assigned to him until later, and the limits of his power are pretty much whatever the plot happens to demand. Similarly to ol' Elminster in D&D, despite his considerable powers he rarely gets directly involved in things unless he considers it absolutely necessary, instead preferring indirect assistance served with a large heaping of cryptic hints.
Incidentally, this isn't his first appearance in a Shadowrun video game as he also appeared to help out Joshua towards the end of the Sega Genesis game. He wasn't exactly a looker in that one though.
(Image courtesy of Turtilicious' LP)
In any case, we'll have the opportunity to have a more in-depth chat with both Sephiroth and Kefka here after this meeting is done.

Academic etiquette choice here, allowing us to sound all smart.
[Aljernon eyes you keenly.]

I think it's safe to assume Aljernon was feigning ignorance when we asked him about insect spirits back at the Union, though I suppose in hindsight he never directly denied having knowledge about them. Sneaky bastard.

Of all the potential ways for the apocalypse to come to pass, everyone being eaten by spooky bugs would be an especially lame and gross one.

Harlequin is fully aware of Brackhaus' true identity, which makes his casual jabs at the guy pretty hilarious.

"Shot with", huh? We kind of put all our focus on drones and decking so we're not very good at shooting things, but I'm sure they can accommodate instead of making this extremely critical tool completely reliant on one's skill in ranged weapons.

This is maybe a bit of a flimsy justification for why it's us who have to do the job despite being surrounded by people with power and resources beyond our comprehension, but ending the game here would admittedly be a little anti-climactic.

[Harlequin grins and his red lipstick catches the light.]

If only we could've had this guy to talk with inbetween missions back at the Union instead of those boring merchants.

Much like with the Baron before the Telestrian run, we could accept immediately. But maybe we can push our luck a little.

[Harlequin claps his hands as if seeing the circus for the first time.]

Odds of this being foreshadowing for the final boss fight are roughly 100%.

And he does so immediately, to the tune of 10,000 nuyen.

And together with a reward of 8 Karma the meeting comes to a close, as does this update. Things have progressed pretty quickly and are definitely coming to a head now, but before we make our final assault on Antland we do still have some preparations to do and a couple of interesting people to talk to.